Infinium Asian Screening Array-24 Kit

A powerful, cost-effective genotyping microarray for large-scale genetic studies and pharmacogenomics in East Asian populations.

~2304 samples per week (estimate assumes 1 iScan System, 1 AutoLoader, 2 Tecan robots, and a 5-day work week) 

Sample throughput

24 samples per array

Number of samples

Fixed markers: ~ 660,000, Custom marker add-on capacity up to 50,000

Number of markers

See full details in the specifications table


The Infinium Asian Screening Array Kit contains 24-sample BeadChips plus reagents for population genetic studies in East and Southeast Asian populations.

  • Uses an East Asian reference panel containing > 9K whole-genome sequences, including coverage of populations underrepresented in the 1000 Genomes Project

  • Includes updated clinical research and disease-related content

  • Maintains high data quality with > 99% call rates and > 99.9% reproducibility

Expert selected content

This microarray was designed in collaboration with leading institutions. Content includes a genome-wide backbone using clinical research variants, QC markers, a discovery panel, and custom add-on content.

Widely adopted

This microarray builds on the commercial success of the Infinium Global Screening Array. > 20M samples of Illumina Infinium arrays have been ordered by a global community of users. 

Robust and scalable

Genotyping and CNV calling are supported for multiple sample types (eg, saliva, blood, buccal swabs, and FFPE samples). The high-throughput workflow maximizes sample processing while minimizing costs, instrumentation, lab space, and hands-on time.

Predesigned booster content is available as an optional add-on.


Required products

Match your chosen kit size to the number of samples you run at a time. Each kit is processed as a single batch and is not designed to be divided across multiple experiments. If you are processing several low-throughput batches, order multiple small kits.

You can choose to customize your content using DesignStudio or select from a list of add-on content available as consortia boosters. Booster add-on content is available for multi-disease markers (~50K SNPs).

Check with your sales rep to confirm availability and pricing.

The Infinium FFPE QC Kit and Infinium HD FFPE DNA Restore Kit are optional but recommended when using the Infinium Asian Screening Array with formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples.

/ Results


The Infinium Asian Screening Array-24 v1.0 BeadChip enables cost-effective, scalable genomic screening of East Asian populations for a broad range of clinical research and variant screening applications, including disease association and risk profiling studies, pharmacogenomics research, disease characterization, lifestyle and wellness characterization, and marker discovery in complex disease.

Example workflow

Track, analyze, and report

Related applications and methods

How others use this product


Infinium Asian Screening Array-24 Kit Infinium Global Screening Array-24 Kit Infinium Global Diversity Array-8 Kit
Assay type Infinium HTS Infinium HTS Infinium LCG
Automation capability Liquid handling robots, Automated array loader Liquid handling robots, Automated array loader Liquid handling robots, Automated array loader
Description Advanced genotyping array that provides a high-value, scalable, and cost-effective solution for population-scale genetic studies, variant screening, and precision medicine research in East and Southeast Asian populations.  The Infinium Global Screening Array Kit is an economical genotyping array for population-scale genetics, translational research, variant screening studies, and precision medicine research, combining optimized multiethnic genome-wide content, curated clinical research variants, and QC markers. The 8-sample Infinium Diversity Array provides targeted coverage of more than 4800 key genes across the genome. Approximately 1.8M markers are included on the BeadChip for high exonic coverage in regions of disease relevance, providing highly accurate copy number variation calls, and an average resolution of 1.5Mb.
Input quantity 200 ng gDNA 200 ng 200 ng DNA
Instruments iScan System iScan System iScan System
Method High-throughput genotyping array, Genome-wide genotyping array High-throughput genotyping array, Genome-wide genotyping array Genome-wide genotyping array
Nucleic acid type DNA DNA DNA
Number of markers Fixed markers: ~ 660,000, Custom marker add-on capacity up to 50,000 654,027 fixed markers. Custom marker add-on capacity: Up to 100K.  1,825,277 fixed markers. Custom marker add-on capacity: Up to 175K.
Number of samples 24 samples per array 24 samples per array 8 samples per array
Sample throughput ~2304 samples per week (estimate assumes 1 iScan System, 1 AutoLoader, 2 Tecan robots, and a 5-day work week)  ~5760 samples per week ~1728 samples per week
Specialized sample types Blood, FFPE tissue Blood, FFPE tissue, Buccal swabs, Saliva Blood, FFPE tissue, Buccal swabs, Saliva
Species category Human Human Human
Technology Microarray Microarray Microarray
Variant class Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), Structural variants, Insertions-deletions (indels), Copy number variants (CNVs) Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), Structural variants, Copy number variants (CNVs) Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), Loss of heterozygosity (LOH), Chromosomal abnormalities, Structural variants, Copy number variants (CNVs)

Selection tools


Clinical research content on the Infinium Asian Screening Array

Content was expertly selected from scientifically recognized databases to create a highly informative array for clinical research applications. Variant counts are current as of August 2018 and may be subject to change.

Broad spectrum of pharmacogenomics markers

Clinical research content features an extensive list of pharmacogenomics markers selected based on CPIC1 guidelines and the PharmGKB2 database. Markers are arranged according to level of evidence as defined by the PharmGKB database. VIP, very important pharmacogene.

Whole-genome sequences used to build the Infinium Asian Screening Array

Whole-genome sequencing data used to build the Infinium Asian Screening Array-24 v1.0 BeadChip include Korean, Mongolian, and Malaysian samples currently not represented in publicly available reference populations.

Population Abbreviation Cohort Sequence Depth
Chinese CHS-GIS Genomics Institute of Singapore 30×
Southern Han Chinese CHS 1000G - Southern Han Chinese 2–4×
Chinese Dai CDX 1000G - Chinese Dai in Xishuangbanna 2–4×
Han Chinese CBD 1000G - Bejing 2–4×
Japanese R-JAP1 RIKEN W13 15×
Japanese R-JAP2 RIKEN W1–6 30×
Japanese R-JAP3 RIKEN W18 >30×
Japanese K-JAP KYOTO 3–15×
Japanese JAP 1000G - Tokyo 2–4×
Korean M-KOR MACROGEN 15–30×
Korean KPGP The Personal Genome Project Korea (KPGP) ~35×
Malaysian MAL Singapore Population Health Study 30×
Mongolian MON MACROGEN 30×
Vietnamese KVT 1000G - Kinh in Ho Chi Minh >2–4×
  1. Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC). Accessed October 2016.

  2. PharmGKB, The Pharmacogenomics Knowledgebase. Accessed January 2017.

Fixed content (3)

Infinium Asian Screening Array-24 v1.0 Kit (48 samples)


The Asian Screening Array is a universal, whole genome array for highly economical genetic risk screening. Each Kit contains 2 BeadChips, along with reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling and detecting 48 DNA samples.

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List Price:


Infinium Asian Screening Array-24 v1.0 Kit (288 samples)


The Asian Screening Array is a universal, whole genome array for highly economical genetic risk screening. Each Kit contains 12 BeadChips, along with reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling and detecting 288 DNA samples.

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List Price:


Infinium Asian Screening Array-24 v1.0 Kit (1152 samples)


The Asian Screening Array is a universal, whole genome array for highly economical genetic risk screening. Each Kit contains 48 BeadChips, along with reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling and detecting 1152 DNA samples.

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Add-on content (3)

Infinium Asian Screening Array-24+ v1.0 Kit (48 samples)


The Asian Screening Array is a universal, whole genome array for highly economical genetic risk screening. Each Kit contains 2 BeadChips, along with reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling and detecting 48 DNA samples.

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Infinium Asian Screening Array-24+ v1.0 Kit (288 samples)


The Asian Screening Array is a universal, whole genome array for highly economical genetic risk screening. Each Kit contains 12 BeadChips, along with reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling and detecting 288 DNA samples.

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Infinium Asian Screening Array-24+ v1.0 Kit (1152 samples)


The Asian Screening Array is a universal, whole genome array for highly economical genetic risk screening. Each Kit contains 48 BeadChips, along with reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling and detecting 1152 DNA samples.

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Accessory products (2)

Infinium FFPE QC Kit (384 reactions)


Infinium FFPE QC Kit is an accessory product required to qualify FFPE samples with Nextera Flex for Enrichment. Library prep, enrichment, enrichment probe panel, and index adapter reagents need to be ordered separately.

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Infinium HD FFPE DNA Restore Kit (24 samples)


Contains a combination of novel reagents that are used to restore damaged FFPE DNA. Restored DNA can be genotyped using Illumina FFPE enabled Infinium BeadChips to achieve quality data. The Infinium FFPE Restore Kit is supplied with enough reagents to restore 24 FFPE DNA samples.

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Selection summary



Unit Price


Yes, FFPE samples can be run on Infinium Asian Screening Array -24 v1.0 BeadChip with the Infinium FFPE QC Kit and the Infinium FFPE Restore Kit.

Each sample takes 2.5 min to scan on the iScan System.

The Infinium Asian Screening Array BeadChip Kit includes BeadChips and reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling, and detecting genetic variants using the high-throughput, streamlined Infinium workflow.

Infinium Asian Screening Array includes the Asian discovery panel with > 45K variants selected by tag SNPs for imputation coverage of targeted arrays and putative loss of function. Learn more in the data sheet.
/ Results

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