Processing the raw sequencing data into meaningful results is straightforward with our complete informatics solutions for AmpliSeq for Illumina Panels. The analysis is designed for biologists and does not require dedicated computing infrastructure nor bioinformatics expertise.
Produce meaningful reports that include variant details and biological interpretations. Informatics solutions for both DNA and RNA amplicon panels are available.
Once the on-instrument analysis is complete, BaseSpace Sequence Hub and Local Run Manager produce variant calls and differential expression results for amplicon panels.
Set up and monitor instrument runs in real-time and manage and analyze data using a curated set of analysis apps:
On-instrument solution to create a sequencing run, monitor run status, analyze sequencing data, and view results:
Further downstream, Basespace Variant Interpreter and BaseSpace Correlation Engine can add biological context to your results and generate reports.
Rapidly identify biologically significant variants from human genomic data:
Data-driven discovery of genes, experiments, drugs, and phenotypes related to genes and variants of interest: