By integrating DfE elements, our focus is on both optimizing packaging for materials currently on the market and incorporating sustainable packaging design into our new product development process. Many Illumina products are temperature-sensitive, creating unique requirements in packaging, shipment, and storage. We recognize there are opportunities in our packaging footprint and have established targets to support our commitment to reducing our impact in this area.
Illumina has a CSR commitment to lead with sustainable, responsible, and proactive corporate citizenship, which extends to the products we develop, how we produce them, and how we move materials through our value chain.
Reduction in packaging
Recyclable primary packaging
Recyclable or reusable secondary and tertiary packaging
Reduction in use of dry ice
Creating sustainable packaging follows the hierarchy of waste management and the precautionary principle: Avoid, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Disposal. We incorporate renewable materials, seek to eliminate unfavorable materials, increase recycling, increase material efficiency, design for recovery, use recycled content, source responsibly, and look for volumetric efficiencies.
Insulated containers used for refrigerated and frozen IVD product shipments can be returned for reuse
A move to plant-based paper insulated containers results in a solution which is recyclable.
New insulated pallet shippers are validated for multiple uses and then returnable for refurbishment and reuse.