Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip

Features > 285k markers across the methylome for high-resolution epigenetic analyses of diverse murine strains.

12 samples per array

Number of samples

Fixed markers: 285k

Number of markers

See full details in the specifications table


The Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip Kit offers a unique combination of comprehensive, expert-selected coverage and high sample throughput.

  • Supports genome-wide DNA methylation studies 

  • Enables epigenetic analysis of virtually all murine strains used in research laboratories

  • Interrogates 285K methylation sites per sample at single-nucleotide resolution

  • Provides a PCR-free protocol using the powerful Infinium HD Assay for epigenetic studies

Comprehensive coverage across gene regions

The Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip provides balanced coverage of CpG islands, translation start sites, enhancers, imprinted loci, and other regions. Infinium HD chemistry enables content selection independent of bias limitations often associated with methylated DNA capture methods.

High assay reproducibility

The Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip achieves > 98% reproducibility for technical replicates and shows high correlation with whole-genome bisulfite sequencing data.

Broad range of applications

Enables epigenome-wide association studies, xenograft experiments, preclinical research, and more. 


Required products

Choose the Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip kit configuration that offers the right sample throughput for your needs.

/ Results


The Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip powers a broad spectrum of murine epigenetic analysis studies, including epigenome-wide association studies, preclinical research, xenograft studies, and more.

Example workflow

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Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip

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broad coverage using infinium

Broad coverage using Infinium I and Infinium II assay designs

The array uses both Infinium I and Infinium II assays. Infinium I assay design employs two bead types per CpG locus, 1 each for the methylated and unmethylated states. The Infinium II design uses 1 bead type, with the methylated state determined at the single base extension step after hybridization.

data analysis with GenomeStudio

Integrated data analysis with Illumina GenomeStudio Software

GenomeStudio Software supports DNA methylation analysis on any platform. Data are displayed in intuitive graphics such as heatmaps.


Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip Infinium MethylationEPIC v2.0 Kit
Assay type Infinium HD Methylation Infinium HD Methylation
Automation capability Automated array loader Automated array loader
Input quantity 250 ng DNA 250 ng DNA
Instruments iScan System NextSeq 550 System, NextSeq 550Dx in Research Mode, iScan System
Method Methylation array Methylation array
Nucleic acid type DNA DNA
Number of markers Fixed markers: 285k ~ 930k
Number of samples 12 samples per array 8 samples per array
Sample type details May be used with fresh/frozen tissue. Analyze changes in DNA methylation induced by exogenous chemicals, including DAC.
Specialized sample types Blood Blood, FFPE tissue
Species category Mouse Human
Technology Microarray Microarray
Variant class Differentially methylated cytosines Differentially methylated cytosines

Selection tools:



10 Things to Know about the Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip

Dr. Wanding Zhou presents an overview of this powerful tool for mouse researchers.

Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip Kit (24 samples)


Includes two, 12-sample BeadChips and reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling, and detecting 24 DNA samples. Requires ≥ 250 ng DNA for input. Each kit is processed as a single batch.

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Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip Kit (48 samples)


Includes four, 12-sample BeadChips and reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling, and detecting 48 DNA samples. Requires ≥ 250 ng DNA for input. Each kit is processed as a single batch.

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Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip Kit (96 samples)


Includes eight, 12-sample BeadChips and reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling, and detecting 96 DNA samples. Requires ≥ 250 ng DNA for input. Each kit is processed as a single batch.

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Infinium Mouse Methylation275k-12+ v1.0 Kit (24 Samples)


Includes two, 12-sample BeadChips and reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling, and detecting 24 DNA samples. Customize content with an additional 3K–10K markers using DesignStudio or select from a list of add-on content available as consortia boosters. Requires ≥ 250 ng DNA for input. Each kit is processed as a single batch.

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Infinium Mouse Methylation 275k-12+ v1.0 Kit (48 Samples)


Includes four, 12-sample BeadChips and reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling, and detecting 48 DNA samples. Customize content with an additional 3K–10K markers using DesignStudio or select from a list of add-on content available as consortia boosters. Requires ≥ 250 ng DNA for input. Each kit is processed as a single batch.

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Infinium Mouse Methylation275k-12+ v1.0 Kit (96 Samples)


Includes eight, 12-sample BeadChips and reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling, and detecting 96 DNA samples. Customize content with an additional 3K–10K markers using DesignStudio or select from a list of add-on content available as consortia boosters. Requires ≥ 250 ng DNA for input. Each kit is processed as a single batch.

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Using the standard Infinium Methylation protocol, ≥ 96% of sites on the array should be detected by GenomeStudio Methylation Module Software, assuming high-quality intact genomic DNA at a minimum of 250 ng input per sample.

The GenomeStudio Methylation Module extracts beta values and provides clustering for Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip data. GenomeStudio controls normalization with the Mouse Methylation BeadChip is not supported at this time. Also, the BeadArray Controls Reporter software tool is not supported at this time.

There are many freeware applications in Bioconductor, such as SeSAMe, that provide enhanced normalization and visualization options. Illumina does not provide support for these freeware solutions directly.

SNPs are included on the BeadChip so investigators can generate a DNA fingerprint of their samples as an added level of quality control. Specifically, for the Mouse Methylation BeadChip, SNP probes are included to help identify the strain origin of the DNA being analyzed. Refer to the Infinium HD Methylation Assay Reference Guide for further information. SNP assays on the BeadChip are not mentioned in the assay guide and only briefly described in the GenomeStudio Methylation Module.

Illumina has not validated the array for 5-hMc. However, publications have used the Infinium HumanMethylation450K and MethylationEPIC BeadChips for 5-hMc analysis and it is possible that this protocol will work on the Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip.

For more information, see Nazor KL, Boland MJ, Bibikova M, et al. Application of a low cost array-based technique—TAB-Array—for quantifying and mapping both 5mC and 5hmC at single base resolution in human pluripotent stem cells. Genomics. 2014;104(5):358-367. doi: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2014.08.014

/ Results

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Illumina DNA Prep

A fast, integrated workflow for preparing libraries for use in a wide range of sequencing applications.

Infinium MethylationEPIC v2.0 Kit

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