Practically inexhaustible storage for NGS data

BaseSpace Sequence Hub NGS Data Storage and Management

Genomic data are big data by nature. As the cost of NGS decreases, data volumes are ever-increasing. The quantity of data can be a significant problem for traditional on-premise IT management and storage solutions.

Often, older data must be moved, compressed, or even deleted to make room for new data. Or, new hardware must be purchased, installed, and maintained to accommodate growing data collections. Factor in the personnel with the expertise to back up, manage, and secure sequencing data, and the cost can be prohibitive to even the most well-funded organization.

BaseSpace Sequence Hub solves the challenges of big data management and storage by providing a practically inexhaustible NGS (next-generation sequencing) data storage solution*. Whether you wish to store gigabytes, terabytes, or even petabytes of sequencing data, BaseSpace Sequence Hub accommodates your needs.

*Additional storage is available with a subscription to Professional or Enterprise tier

Additional Resources

BaseSpace Sequence Hub View Video Learn how BaseSpace Sequence Hub with Amazon Web Services cloud computing solves the problem of NGS data storage, processing and interpretation.

BaseSpace Apps Explore BaseSpace Apps BaseSpace Apps enable researchers to analyze genomic data with a broad range of cutting-edge bioinformatics tools.

BaseSpace Sequence Hub Data Security
Data is safe in the Illumina cloud analysis and storage platform.
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