Genomics Articles

Recent genomic discoveries and advances

Genomics articles highlighting breakthroughs and advances in bioinformatics and clinical research from Illumina scientists and thought leaders

Discoveries by Illumina Scientists

Unveiling Illumina Connected Annotations: A breakthrough in genomic annotation

Annotating genomic variants is a complex process, and commonly used tools in this space have accuracy and/or scaling limitations. Newly added to Emedgene, and available in DRAGEN Secondary Analysis, Illumina Connected Annotations provides exceptional performance in this field. Top population studies, including All of Us and UK Biobank, rely on this tool.

Technical spotlight: Detecting small- and medium-length copy number variants by whole-genome sequencing

Historically, detecting different sizes of genetic variants has required using multiple different tests. By combining Illumina WGS with secondary analysis algorithms built into the DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform, researchers can achieve high-sensitivity detection of all these different variant types using a mixture of methods described here.

Inside DRAGEN and what enables efficient secondary analysis at scale

The Illumina DRAGEN secondary analysis pipeline has been established as a trusted, comprehensive, accurate, and fast solution that helps NGS users retrieve maximal information out of their data. DRAGEN analysis onboard the NovaSeq X offers a unique, cost-effective way for users to analyze the enormous amount of data generated.