NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 Sequencing System specifications

Robust and proven benchtop sequencing

Scalable output, efficient runtimes, and high data quality

NextSeq 2000 in lab setting

Sequencing output per flow cella

NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 with XLEAP-SBS chemistry

Flow cell type P1b P2b P3b,c P4c
1 × 50 bp       90 Gb
2 × 50 bp 10 Gb 40 Gb 120 Gb 180 Gb
2 × 100 bp   80 Gb 240 Gb 360 Gb
2 × 150 bp 30 Gb 120 Gb 360 Gb 540 Gb
2 × 300 bp 60 Gb 240 Gb    

a. Output specifications are based on an Illumina PhiX control library at supported cluster densities.
b. View standard SBS specifications here.
c. P3 and P4 reagents are available for the NextSeq 2000 System only.

Shelf life

NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 Sequencing Systems

Item Storage temperature P1, P2, P3, P4 Shelf Life
Cartridge -25°C to -15°C 6 months
Flow cell 2°C to 8°C 6 months
RSB with Tween 20a 2°C to 8°C 6 months

a. Shipped at room temperature.

Reads passing filter per flow cell

NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 with XLEAP-SBS chemistry

Flow cell type P1a P2a P3a,b P4b
Single reads 100M 400M  1.2B 1.8B
Paired-end reads 200M 800M  2.4B 3.6B

a. View standard SBS specifications here.
b. P3 and P4 reagents are available for the NextSeq 2000 System only.

Quality scores and run time

NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 with XLEAP-SBS chemistry

Flow cell type P1 a P2 a P3 a,b P4 b
Quality Scoresc  
1 × 50 bp ≥ 90% of bases higher than Q30
2 × 50 bp ≥ 90% of bases higher than Q30
2 × 100 bp ≥ 90% of bases higher than Q30
2 × 150 bp ≥ 90% of bases higher than Q30
2 × 300 bp ≥ 85% of bases higher than Q30
Run Timed  
1 × 50 bp       12 hr
2 × 50 bp 8 hr 12 hr 18 hr 20 hr
2 × 100 bp   19 hr 31 hr 34 hr
2 × 150 bp 17 hr 22 hr 40 hr 44 hr
2 × 300 bp 34 hr 42 hr    

a. View standard SBS specifications here.
b. P3 and P4 reagents are available for the NextSeq 2000 System only.
c. Quality scores are based on an Illumina PhiX control library; performance may vary based on library type and quality, insert size, loading concentration, and other experimental factors.
d. Run time includes cluster generation, sequencing, and base calling on a NextSeq 1000 or NextSeq 2000 System.

Estimated sample throughput for key applicationsa

NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 with XLEAP-SBS chemistry

Application P1b P2b P3b,c P4c
  No. samples No. samples No. samples No. samples

Small whole-genome sequencing (300 cycles)

130 Mb genome, 30× coverage

7 30 92 138

Whole-exome sequencing (200 cycles)

~8 Gb per exome, 90× mean coverage

~2d 10 30 45

Total RNA-Seq (200 cycles)

50M read pairs per sample

2d 8 24 36

mRNA-Seq (200 cycles)

25M read pairs per sample

4d 16 48 72

Single-cell RNA-Seq (100 cycles)

5K cells, 20K reads per cell

1e 4 12 48

miRNA-Seq or small RNA analysis (50 cycles)

11M reads per sample

9f 36f 108f 163
16S RNA sequencing (600 cycles) 384g 384g  

a. Table values represent estimated number of samples per run. Recommended sequencing depth will largely depend on sample type and experimental objective and will need to be optimized for each study.
b. View standard SBS specifications here.
c. P3 and P4 reagents are available for the NextSeq 2000 System only.
d. Use P1 300-cycle kit.
e. P1 reagents are a good option for single-cell quality control experiments.
f. Use 100-cycle kits.
g. A maximum of 384 unique dual indexes is available from Illumina.

Instrument specifications

NextSeq 1k / 2k instrument specifications
  • Instrument configuration
    Self-contained, dry instrument with integrated DRAGEN Bio-IT FPGA secondary analysis
  • Laser
    449 nm, 523 nm, 820 nm
  • Crated Dimensions
    W × D × H
    92 cm × 120 cm × 118 cm
    Weight: 232 kg
  • Dimensions
    W × D × H
    55 cm × 65 cm × 60 cm
    (21.7 in × 25.6 in × 23.6 in)
  • Weight
    141 kg (310.9 lb)
  • Crated weight
    232 kg (511.5 lb)

Key technologies