Genome scale data sets hold tremendous promise for understanding the vast complexity of biological systems and processes. The question driving powerful, interdisciplinary research across the life sciences is how to extract the biological meaning from this proliferating wealth of data. Each class of molecule that can now be functionally interrogated through comprehensive, omics-scale approaches depends on one another: the genome cannot exert biological function without the transcriptome or the proteome. It therefore follows that integrated multiomic approaches will be required to leverage the maximal amount of insight into a given question or process.

In this webinar, Anshul Kundaje (Stanford University), Ana Pombo (Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology, MDC), and Steffen Rulands (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems) will discuss their research illustrating the capture of “hidden” biological meaning through multiomic approaches.


Ana Pombo

Ana Pombo
Group Head
BIMSB Berlin Institute for Medical Systems
Biology Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine

Anshul Kundaje

Anshul Kundaje
Assistant Professor, Genetics & Computer Science
Stanford University

Steffen Rulands

Steffen Rulands
Group Leader
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems


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Date & Time
Aug 18, 2021
Cellular & molecular biology, Cancer research
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