Library QC and Troubleshooting with the BioAnalyzer and Fragment Analyzer

November 6, 2021

Does my library look good to sequence? What’s that peak? Before running a sequence it is important to check library quality control to confirm the expected average library size, that a library peak is present and to ensure the absence of additional small and large library perks. In this video we will review how to use the Agilent Bioanalyzer or Fragment Analyzer to check library quality prior to sequencing, and to troubleshoot sample preparation. This video will help you: - Understand how to use the Bioanalyzer/Fragment Analyzer as a tool for library QC for estimating library shape and size. - Identify features of an ideal final library trace -Recognize phenotypes of less than ideal traces - Be able to correct and prevent errors in future preps #illumina #RNA-seq #bioanalyzer

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