The search for specific microbes in the gut microbiome that impact human health is complicated by the immense genomic diversity of the microbial world, with uncounted strains from hundreds of species populating the human gastrointestinal tract.

This webcast will introduce a novel gene-level bioinformatics approach for identifying microbial species and strains associated with human disease from metagenomic sequencing datasets. Geneshot is a reproducible Nextflow pipeline to analyze WGS datasets from raw FASTQ all the way to estimated associations of microbial species and strains with experimental design.

The speaker will also demonstrate an interactive microbiome discovery portal designed to help researchers generate useful insight from these complex high-dimensional datasets and identify specific microbial strains associated with human health and disease.

Learn about:

  • Finding microbes associated with human health from microbiome experiments
  • Using gene-level analysis to quantify microbial strains and species
  • Identifying specific bacterial isolates that contain genes associated with human health

Samuel Minot, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist, Microbiome Research Initiative
Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutch


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Date & Time
12 Aug. 2020
Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center
Dr. Samuel Minot, Ph.D.
Microbial genomics
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