DNA Library Preparation

Rapid, Accurate DNA Library Prep

Innovations in PCR-free and on-bead tagmentation technology offer time savings, flexibility, and increased sequencing data performance

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Experience Faster Library Prep

You’re ready for a DNA library prep and enrichment workflow that’s done before the 8-hour workday ends. See how our library preparation compares in this time-lapse video.

Versatile DNA library prep allows you to examine small, targeted regions or the entire genome.

Whole Genome
Whole Genome Low Input
DNA Whole Genome

We’ve combined sample prep and library prep into one easy-to-use product, simplifying the process to create sequence-ready samples. With on-bead fragmentation, no library quantification is needed, which saves you time and increases sequencing data performance by avoiding PCR duplicates.

Simplify Your Workflow with Illumina DNA Prep

Illumina DNA Prep (formerly Nextera DNA Flex) simplifies the upfront DNA fragmentation process and solves other workflow challenges such as DNA extraction, DNA quantification, and library prep QC and library quantification.

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Enrichment with UMI
Enrichment without UMI
DNA Enrichment

Our enrichment library prep yields provides > 90% on-target reads, > 95% uniformity, and low PCR duplicate rate across all Illumina sequencing systems.1 The workflow uses a single, 90-min hybridization step and as little as 10 ng input DNA. On-bead tagmentation chemistry enables support for a wide range of DNA input amounts, various sample types, and a broad range of applications.

Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment: Simple, Fast, and Flexible

This video overviews the process of selecting the enrichment panel options, the library prep and enrichment workflow for Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment (formerly Nextera Flex for Enrichment) and data analysis.

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DNA Amplicon
DNA Amplicon

Ultra-deep sequencing of amplicons allows efficient variant identification and characterization. Accelerated library prep uses reduced-bias PCR and is gel-free, enabling you to prepare high-quality libraries in less than a day. Mechanical DNA fragmentation and adapter ligation.

Ease-of-use and consistency were the two things that stood out the most. Normalization was spot on. These features are why the [Illumina DNA Prep] is a better choice than the other solutions we have tried.

Principal Investigator, Cancer Research Center

DNA Library Prep At-a-Glance

Application Whole-genome sequencing Whole-genome sequencing DNA enrichment - no UMI
Hands-on time ~45 min 1-1.5 hrs ~2 hrs
Turnaround time ~1.5 hrs ~3-4 hrs ~6.5 hrs
Input 25 ng to 300 ng 1 ng to 500 ng 10 ng to 1000 ng
Automation available Yes Yes Yes
PCR protocol No Yes Yes
Library Quant needed? No No No
Fragmentation included? Yes – on bead Yes – on bead Yes – on bead
Product Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep Illumina DNA Prep Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment

Choosing a DNA Library Prep Kit for Your Experiment

Application Product Benefits
For Human DNA WGS Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep
  • Avoid PCR duplicates
  • No library quantification needed
For DNA WGS with low input Illumina DNA Prep
  • Low input
  • No library quantification needed
  • High performance data
For DNA enrichment without UMI Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment
  • Fast enrichment workflow
  • On-bead fragmentation instead of mechanical shearing

The Benefits of Tagmentation

Bead-linked transposome tagmentation is an innovative technology used in our library preparation portfolio. On-bead tagmentation lets you get to sequence-ready libraries faster than before by simultaneously fragmenting the gDNA and adding the Illumina sequencing primers. Normalize your library without ancillary reagents or equipment. Reduce turnaround time and complexity.

Learn More About Tagmentation

Understanding Adapter Ligation

The other key technology used in our NGS library prep is adapter ligation, long known for consistent, high-quality data. Libraries are prepared by fragmenting a gDNA or cDNA sample and ligating specialized adapters to both fragment ends. These adapters contain the full complement of sequencing primer hybridization sites. This eliminates the need for additional PCR steps to add the index tag and index primer sites, making the process fully automatable.

Learn More About Adapter Ligation

Frequently Purchased Together

Featured DNA Library Prep Applications

Library QC with the MiSeq i100 Series

Assess quality and optimize library pooling before sequencing on high-thoughput systems.

Human WGS with Illumina DNA Prep

Library prep from blood, saliva, or genomic DNA that provides uniform coverage for human whole-genome sequencing (WGS).

Microbial WGS with Illumina DNA Prep

Library prep that provides uniform coverage and improved genome assembly for viruses, bacteria, and other microbial species.

Whole-Exome Sequencing with Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment

Library preparation and unique dual indexing combined with hybrid capture of exome content.

Tumor Exome Sequencing with Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment and DRAGEN

Combining exome sequencing with Illumina DNA Prep and the analytical power of DRAGEN enables simplified, efficient, highly accurate variant analysis in FFPE tumor samples.

Ask an expert how you can get the most with Illumina library prep

We'll walk through your needs and make recommendations.

DNA Methods Poster

View illustrated schematics of NGS DNA library preparation techniques and see brief diagrams of Illumina library preparation kit protocols.

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DNA Methods Review

Try one of these methods or find inspiration to create your own. With a few extra processing steps, a wide range of scientific questions can be addressed.

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Related Solutions


Increase the number of samples sequenced per run and optimize high-throughput sequencing using unique dual index adapters.


Unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) provide error correction and accuracy and can reduce false-positive variant calls while increasing variant detection sensitivity.


Our partners have developed both high- and low-throughput walk-away automation methods that span our library prep portfolio.

DNA Sequencing

DNA sequencing can be applied to small, targeted regions or the entire genome through a variety of methods, enabling researchers to investigate and better understand health and disease.

Product Selection Tools

Library Prep Kit Selector

Find the right sequencing library preparation kit or microarray for your needs. Filter kits by method, species, and more. Compare, share, and order kits.

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Sequencing Method Explorer

Explore library preparation methods for DNA low-level detection, rearrangements and markers, protein-protein interaction, and DNA-protein interaction.

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